Sunday, January 11, 2009

Life Before 3.

Recently we have begun gearing up for baby Moon's arrival. After we returned home from the holiday's in Montana, we started working on organizing the baby's room, and it is finally coming together. We still have not decided on a name for certain, because Aaron has this crazy idea that there is a chance it could still be a girl. Even though we have had 2 ultrasounds that have assured us it is a boy, Aaron talked to one of his co-workers who knew someone who had a baby girl, when they were told all along they were having a boy. Now he is certain this is what will happen to us and he feels weird naming the baby until our ultrasound in a week. I am certain it is a boy, because I have seen the 'mass' with my own eyes!

As for me, I spend most of my time thinking about how close I am getting to my due date (only 5 weeks away). I think about every aspect of the delivery, what he will look like, and how big he will be. I still can't quite believe that we are having a baby. Of course my ever growing stomach reminds me that I certainly am going to be a mom very soon. I am still working, and plan to keep working up until the time of his arrival. Everything has gone very smooth so far, and I am thankful I have had such a healthy pregnancy with no complications.

Aaron is also very anxious about baby Moon, but starting his masters program has given him another focus for now. He just finished making the baby's dresser/changing table and it looks great. He is so darn handy! This is the beginning of his second semester as a first year teacher, and things are continuing to go well for him at Cole Elementary.

It's pretty much just a waiting game at this point and we are beyond anxious and excited for the big day-whenever that is. Stay tuned....


  1. Great job Shaye. We will all be anxiously awaiting your good news and of course pictures. Praying for a wonderful delivery for you.

  2. Shaye this is so cute. Can't wait for updates on the little one, good luck in the next few weeks.

  3. Shaye, thank you for doing this. We all think about you all the time and it is fun to share in your joy.


About Me

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Cheyenne, Wyoming, United States
Aaron and I met while attending college @ Montana State University in Bozeman, MT. We got married in 2006 after dating for a few years. In 2007, we moved to Cheyenne because I was offered a great job with the state. We bought a house in August of 2008, and we just welcomed our first baby on Feb 1st of 2009! What a whirlwind it has been...
