Last night Justin was really fussy and could not be settled by anything we tried. Aaron decided to make a bed on the couch and lay with Justin on his chest until he fell asleep. I went ahead and hit the hay about 11:00 expecting to wake up about 1:00 to Justin crying. I woke up at 7:45 to Aaron all dressed for work and in a chipper mood! They had slept out on the couch all night...and I had gotten the best sleep ever (wasn't expecting that)! Aaron said Justin was a pretty good boy throughout the night and that they both had slept pretty good. Thanks hon!
Maybe we're on to something here... :)
Like Father like son. Reminds me of Bozo as a young daddy too. Hey whatever gets the job done...Great job Aaron...I knew you would always be a great husband,daddy and teacher. I just wish I would of had a teacher as hot as you.