Today Justin is 3 weeks old-what a big boy with an even bigger set of lungs. He is still trying to figure out the world around, are these hands and arms that flail around me erratically attached to my body-and what are they for besides to make me really angry and scare me into a screaming frenzy? Or..why is it that I turn into a baby monster every night around 11 (like clockwork) and continue on a downward spiral until daylight ensues? Even more questionable, how do I know it is 11:00 every night and that it is my cue to have a high speed come apart? I think Justin is an infant prodigy, and he can now tell time..only on the digital clocks by our bed. We may have to get rid of them completely. do I know that I am in my secure sleeper right next to daddy with his arms around me in an attempt to use his trickery to get me to sleep-and not laying on the bed with his arm around me (which I enjoy).
It is really a mystery folks...and was another long night for all in the Moon household. On a more positive note, it is a brand new day which will lead to a brand new night-and we can hope that Justin will sleep better :) If not, maybe we will only have a few more months of this and Justin will get adjusted to his daytime/nighttime schedule. WE LOVE YOU BABY J!
If he is full, burped, freshly diapered...let him cry for a good amount of time....but not till meltdown. First mistake we make with first baby is to jump when he whimpers...but let it be and hopefully Baby J. will get it. For all involved Blessings.
ReplyDeleteHis hairline is like all the moon babies....especially Bozo and Jeanne's boys. He becomes prettier every day, oh excuse me handsomer (sp?)
ReplyDeleteHe looks a bit like Micheal in this one. He is already getting so much bigger. I love your blog it is so much fun to hear about all you are doing. Keep up the good work.
ReplyDeleteGreat Gramma Margie said he is acting just like his gramma Jeanne when she was a baby. I guess people become night owls earlier than I thought. You are in for a long haul.