Saturday, February 28, 2009
Last night we went over to Aaron's co-workers/friends house. I visited with Andy's wife and kiddos while Aaron played poker with him and all the guys from work. I played the Wii too! It was the first time ever and I worry I could be hooked. Aaron had a good time and even won some money. I had a good time and it was great to go somewhere/do something different.
Justin seems to be changing every day and getting so much bigger! He is a good little eater too- just like his mommy. He is always hungry. I have noticed him fussing a lot less..and I think it is because we switched formula. He just seems more content. When he is more content-mommy and daddy are more content!
I hope everyone has a great day and that it is sunny where you are! You will surely hear from us very soon, especially if I can get some good shots with the camera. I am always looking for good opportunities for a cute pic!
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Monday, February 23, 2009
My Funtime Mat!!
Great Night...Great Day!
Last night Justin was really fussy and could not be settled by anything we tried. Aaron decided to make a bed on the couch and lay with Justin on his chest until he fell asleep. I went ahead and hit the hay about 11:00 expecting to wake up about 1:00 to Justin crying. I woke up at 7:45 to Aaron all dressed for work and in a chipper mood! They had slept out on the couch all night...and I had gotten the best sleep ever (wasn't expecting that)! Aaron said Justin was a pretty good boy throughout the night and that they both had slept pretty good. Thanks hon!
Maybe we're on to something here... :)
Sunday, February 22, 2009
3 weeks old!
Today Justin is 3 weeks old-what a big boy with an even bigger set of lungs. He is still trying to figure out the world around, are these hands and arms that flail around me erratically attached to my body-and what are they for besides to make me really angry and scare me into a screaming frenzy? Or..why is it that I turn into a baby monster every night around 11 (like clockwork) and continue on a downward spiral until daylight ensues? Even more questionable, how do I know it is 11:00 every night and that it is my cue to have a high speed come apart? I think Justin is an infant prodigy, and he can now tell time..only on the digital clocks by our bed. We may have to get rid of them completely. do I know that I am in my secure sleeper right next to daddy with his arms around me in an attempt to use his trickery to get me to sleep-and not laying on the bed with his arm around me (which I enjoy).
It is really a mystery folks...and was another long night for all in the Moon household. On a more positive note, it is a brand new day which will lead to a brand new night-and we can hope that Justin will sleep better :) If not, maybe we will only have a few more months of this and Justin will get adjusted to his daytime/nighttime schedule. WE LOVE YOU BABY J!
Saturday, February 21, 2009
It's the middle of the night and I just handed Justin off to his daddy in a last ditch effort to get him to settle down. It worked! They are both sleeping soundly. As for me, I thought I would mess around on the computer for a second- considering I got very caught up on my sleep this evening! I am actually completely refreshed. I slept from around 7-12 pm! I told Aaron to only let me sleep for about an hour...but I guess he thought I needed the extra sleep. Just wanted to post this cute pic of Justin and his daddy relaxing the other evening.
Friday, February 20, 2009
How rough it is to be almost 3 weeks old!
He is so tired right now he can't stand himself!! I am going to go try to get him to sleep (somehow).
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Finally...he's sleeping!
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
The grandparents leave Cheyenne...
Monday, February 16, 2009
Grandma Jeanne is making broccoli cheese soup and rolls for lunch. I have been doing a little organizing of Justin's onesies and outfits. My mom and dad have been out and about on the town doing some shopping. They decided to stay one more day in Cheyenne, which I was really happy about. It's a pretty relaxing day and we'll probably play games tonight if Aaron and grandpa get done with the fireplace. Until next time...
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Justin is two weeks old today!!
Justin went to have his pictures taken at Sears today, and we were pretty pleased with the pose we picked out. He was a bit fussy off and on, but it was because the lady taking the pictures just wasn't getting it. I wanted to grab the camera and take them myself. She missed several opportunities for the 'perfect pose'. However, I am excited to get them back in about 10 days!
As you can see, Wrigley likes to cuddle up with Justin. He is still pretty curious about him. He is very attentive to Justin's every whine and cry. It is really cute. We all went out for dinner tonight at our favorite Chinese restaurant. It was Justin's first dinner out and he ate like an animal! Just kidding. He slept the whole time in his car seat and was a perfect boy! It was really nice to get out. I am really going to miss everyone when they leave, but Jeanne will be back for a few weeks in April when I go back to work and Mom will be back in May. It's just been so wonderful to have them here to spend time with baby Justin. He loves them :) Until next time...
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Happy Valentine's Day
Here are just a few pictures grandma Jeanne and I took of Justin. He has been more and more alert these past few days, and it's really neat! We have continued to enjoy having my mom, Jeanne, and Bozo here for a nice visit. My dad will actually be coming back tomorrow to drive back to Montana with my mom on Monday. Justin has an appointment on Monday to have his pictures taken at Sears, and we bought a really cute outfit yesterday at the Carter's outlet for the occasion. We all played domino's last night, but I didn't dominate the game as usual. It was just a bad night-usually I spank em! Other than that, we are just enjoying spending time with family! Happy Valentine's day from Aaron, Shaye, Justin, Bozo, Jeanne, Barb, and Wrigley.
Friday, February 13, 2009
Sleepless Nights
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Grandma and Grandpa Moon Arrive!!
Monday, February 9, 2009
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About Me
- The Moon's Memories
- Cheyenne, Wyoming, United States
- Aaron and I met while attending college @ Montana State University in Bozeman, MT. We got married in 2006 after dating for a few years. In 2007, we moved to Cheyenne because I was offered a great job with the state. We bought a house in August of 2008, and we just welcomed our first baby on Feb 1st of 2009! What a whirlwind it has been...
Blog Archive
- Justin is very hap...
- ...
- No title
- Look at the new vest gramma Nancy sent me!!! It is...
- My Funtime Mat!!
- At least one of our boys seems to enjoy the 'secur...
- Great Night...Great Day!
- A warm bath made Justin very sleeeepy!
- 3 weeks old!
- I have found a gold-mine!! The key to happiness is...
- Cute, huh?! Look at the boys just sleeping in on a...
- It's the middle of the night and I just handed Jus...
- How rough it is to be almost 3 weeks old!
- 'I still live with my parents'...and I AM CLEARLY ...
- zzzzzzzzzzzzz...
- I just would have been Justin's...
- Finally...he's sleeping!
- The grandparents leave Cheyenne...
- No title
- Justin is two weeks old today!!
- Happy Valentine's Day
- Sleepless Nights
- Grandma and Grandpa Moon Arrive!!
- Bathtime!!
- He looks wiped out, doesn't he? Crying takes a lot...
- No title
- Justin was such a good sleeper last night-he fusse...
- Our First Visit to the Doctor!
- No title
- Superbowl Sunday Surprise!
- Day Two, sort of
- No title