Saturday, May 2, 2009

Relaxing on the weekend!

Finally, the weekend is here! I've been playing catch up at work since I have been back, and it feels good to have gotten some things done! Mom had a good first week at home with Justin and I think they are getting into a routine. Dad is actually on his way here today for a conference and to see all us. We don't really have too much planned, but it will be nice just to spend some time together.

Justin is growing like a weed. He has really discovered his hands and it's pretty cute. Everything he does is cute and we love to dote over him. He was three months yesterday. I can't believe it has been that long since the day I was in labor! He is so perfect and his daddy and I love to watch him learn and discover new things. It is amazing. He is a very loved boy and I look forward to each passing month and the new things he will do. It is true what they say about being new's not always easy, but it is always worth it!!!

We are hoping to plan a trip to Montana in August. We will probably go straight to Conrad and then Lake 5 like we did last year. We still need to figure out the details, but we can go whenever because Aaron opted not to teach summer school this year. It's probably for the best since he is finishing the basement, watching Justin, playing softball, and doubling up on his Masters classes. He's ambitious!!

I hope everyone has a great weekend. I will try to get some good pics over the weekend so I can post them next week!

Aaron, Shaye, Justin & Wrigley

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for all the info! I bet he is growing fast. I'm sure your mom has been very busy keeping up with him! I think we'll be around in Aug. so hope to have some time with you!
    Have a great weekend and keep those photos coming.


About Me

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Cheyenne, Wyoming, United States
Aaron and I met while attending college @ Montana State University in Bozeman, MT. We got married in 2006 after dating for a few years. In 2007, we moved to Cheyenne because I was offered a great job with the state. We bought a house in August of 2008, and we just welcomed our first baby on Feb 1st of 2009! What a whirlwind it has been...
