Justin had a great day with daddy, grampa Jim, and gramma Margie today at the farm! There was a lot of room to roam and play around, and he had his first horsey ride! What a big day for such a little man =)
I was not able to go with them, because I really wasn't able to take the time away from work. The whole family is going to Oregon to see my parents and grandparents at the beginning of August. We will be there for a week, and will spend some time at the beach with my parents for a few days. I am looking forward to it, to say the last. I need a vacation like you wouldn't believe!
I am lonely for my boys. I have never been away from either of them for 12 days. Yikes. It's good for me, and they are having a BLAST! Aaron and Justin will be going to Lake Five with the family-my favorite place in the world-without me!
I hope they have fun, but I also can't wait for them to be back!