Monday, March 30, 2009
Baby it's cold outside!!
Birthday fun!

My friend Brandy's daughter, Kenzie, turned 6 this weekend. Aaron, Justin, and I went to help her celebrate! Justin wasn't too into it, but he was a good boy! He's not into much yet-just eating and sleeping. It was a pretty neat place-indoors with a carousel and lots of fun toys. I can't wait until Justin gets older and he can enjoy playing too!
Look at me!!
'Getting Down'
I am also excited to get a lot of great pictures in Montana to post when I get home!
Friday, March 27, 2009
Open House
My mom is having an open house type of thing when we are in Helena for family and friends to come visit and meet baby Justin. Drop by on April 5th anytime between 1-4 pm, at 119 Anderson Blvd. in Sunhaven. Hope to see you there!! Call me at 406.579.2857 if you need directions to the house.
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Goodnight everyone!
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Bedtime Pics!
Justin was having a little 'boppy time' tonight on his boppy pillow (that we just discovered he may like). It helps him to hold himself up, which he is always trying to do anyway. He is a little fussy tonight..which is why we tend to call him fussy Jussy after about 9:00 pm. It's terrible-he will probably be scarred from all of the nicknames we give him. I will try to keep from calling him that when he gets older!
Aaron and I had a good weekend. Yesterday Aaron picked up all the materials he will need to begin working on our basement and loaded them in the house. He was pretty much busy with that all day and Justin and I hung out with the kiddos of his friend Nick who was helping him. I actually chased around a 20 month old all day..but whatever. They got everything loaded in, so that's good. Today my friend Catrina and I went to Fort Collins and had a day of lunch and shopping. It was great and it must have been 75 degrees. It was beautiful! Aaron and Justin hung around the house and relaxed for the most part.
I hope everyone had a good weekend. It's time to start another week! One week closer to coming home to Montana to see our friends and family!!
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Friday, March 20, 2009
Happy Friday :)
All is well in Cheyenne, and the weather has been really nice here lately. Justin and I have been getting outside more. Justin doesn't like his stroller (which does not surprise me) but it's good for him and I to get some sunshine and fresh air. I am hoping that just like with everything else, he will learn to love it!
We are gearing up for a weekend of home improvement. Aaron is moving forward on the basement and is headed out early to get his materials. I don't have anything special planned, just a workout sometime during the day tomorrow and Sunday-and god willing-a nap. Have a great weekend everyone!
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Monday, March 16, 2009
Here is phase one of our basement remodel. I took out part of the stairway to open it up. Not much to look at but it sure will make getting everything downstairs a lot easier. It only took a few hours and makes the basement more inviting. I have been consumed by shopping around for materials to finish the basement and have been able to save hundreds by comparison shopping. I will be starting the additional egress window in the next month or so, before I double up on my masters classes. All is well here in Wyoming and I am looking forward to the NCAA Tourney, GO DUKE! ~AJ
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Monday, March 9, 2009
Sunday, March 8, 2009
All Star!
Justin and Audrey sitting in a tree...
Friday, March 6, 2009
Shih-Tzu has a breakdown...and I may be next!
Are you wondering what the heck that means? I thought so...
Wrigley loves Justin, but get's very anxious and nervous when he cries. The louder Justin cries, the louder Wrigley barks, howls, and whines. Justin will start fussing because he just woke up-and Wrigley races to find me wherever I am in the house (as if I don't hear him) in attempt to herd me into the bedroom. It's pretty cute, but really annoying. He kisses Justin and lays next to him when he is napping, but there are times when he gets fed up with the little creature who makes this awful screeching noise and flails his hands about. I can tell when Wrigley gets annoyed because he will stare at the baby and give a little growl as if to say, 'mom..I can't take it anymore..make him stop!' No, I am not worried about Wrigley hurting the baby. He does really well with him. I mean, we're all still adjusting. Let's be honest, I get annoyed too, and I know why he is crying most of the time. Wrigley just thinks we have this 'thing' staying with us that takes away any potential for him to get extra attention..and makes a lot of noise for no reason.
Wrigley threw up on Sunday and was clearly not feeling his usual self. It happens, and I figured it was something we gave him or something he ate outside. He was acting so weird, not eating or drinking and pacing around the house with his tail between his legs. He didn't seem to be feeling any better as time went on either. He did this for about a day before he started this odd snorting thing that he did ALL EVENING AND ALL NIGHT LONG. No kidding, I was up with the baby and Aaron was up tending to Wrigley. We were really worried about him and thought he must be horribly sick. He could not have looked more pathetic. I mean it kind of sounded like he was nearing death. We didn't' sleep at all...
Aaron took Wrigley to the vet first thing in the morning and called me to tell me to check in on him in a few hours. Later that day I called and the receptionist said that the vet had not been able to see him yet, but that I should come in at two to discuss our 'options'. What options I thought? I asked if he was ok, and she said that he was doing fine. I don't like the word fine, it sounds bad. Fine is like a nice way of saying 'not so good'. I know, I am a woman. I got Justin ready to go a few hours later. Of course, he started having a fit and falling in it about 10 minutes before we had to leave. The vet's office was completely chaotic. There were 2 huge dogs in the waiting room going nuts and barking like crazy. On top of that, their owners were yelling at them to stop barking-which was equally annoying and completely useless. This added noise only seemed to make Justin more upset. After about 20 minutes we were able to see the vet. He told me that Wrigley seemed great, that he hadn't made a sound all day, that he had tried everything he could think of to make him cough or snort..or make some kind of noise that would warrant him to worry. He could find nothing of concern and had done a full check-up on him.
I know it sounds silly and we joke about it-but I thought to myself...oh my gosh, this was a ploy to get out of the house! He spent the day relaxing at the vet's office while I sat home listening to Justin cry all by myself! We agree that we think he finally lost it, that he had a puppy mental breakdown and could not deal anymore. A day at the vet's office is all it took to get the little guy back to normal!! We're glad to have him back.
All is normal again in the Moon household. Aaron is on full daddy duty tonight. I am going out to dinner and drinks with the girls from work. I am looking forward to it and it is a long awaited girls night out!!
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Angel Boy!
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Monday, March 2, 2009
Feeling 'Blah'
Good afternoon everyone! We were up until about 3 last night with Justin sleeping 10 minutes here 15 minutes there. He was fussy and squirmy and I couldn't figure out what was going on. Usually some gas drops, diaper changing, and feeding will do the trick. However, we tried it all and...nothin'. He spit up all over himself (and me) and then he peed on himself when I changed his diaper! It was a rough go and we were both cranky. Finally, at about 3, we got to sleep and didn't wake up until 6:30 when Aaron took him for a while before he went to work. Luckily we were able to nap on and off a little this morning. I am so tired and I think I am getting sick. When I woke up at 6:30 my throat felt like it was swollen shut. It feels better, but is still swollen. I have a headache and I am roasting-although I don't think it is all that warm in here. I hope it is just a touch of something and that I can sleep it off-maybe when Aaron gets home or with Justin if he stays asleep for a while. I never lie down with him right away because I just end up getting comfortable and he wakes up. I usually wait until I can be sure he is in a sound sleep-then I figure it is safe to get cozy for a nap. I have been downing Vitamin C and juice today and I really don't want Justin to get sick. I think he does have a little something going on. His nose has been really plugged and he sounds 'flemmy' when he breathes. Aaron gave him a warm bath and sat in the bathroom with him yesterday (nose sucker in hand and shower on hot) to steam him clear. It worked and I think we will need to do it again. Aaron is good at that stuff. He takes charge. I usually panic and don't know what to do. It's like, 'don't worry Justin, we'll get daddy'...
Have a good day everyone. I am going to try to lie down with him because it looks like he is in a deep sleep. Yay!
Have a good day everyone. I am going to try to lie down with him because it looks like he is in a deep sleep. Yay!
Sunday, March 1, 2009
Plans For April!
We will be in Helena April 5th-8th and in Conrad April 8-11. We hope to see whoever we can at that time! I know that my mom is planning to get invites out for a 'open house' sort of deal in Helena (on Sunday the 5th) with food and whatnot so everyone can come meet Justin.
Baby Justin looks forward to meeting you! Oh..sorry..big boy Justin. He is a month old now..
Baby Justin looks forward to meeting you! Oh..sorry..big boy Justin. He is a month old now..
One Month Old!!!
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About Me
- The Moon's Memories
- Cheyenne, Wyoming, United States
- Aaron and I met while attending college @ Montana State University in Bozeman, MT. We got married in 2006 after dating for a few years. In 2007, we moved to Cheyenne because I was offered a great job with the state. We bought a house in August of 2008, and we just welcomed our first baby on Feb 1st of 2009! What a whirlwind it has been...
Blog Archive
- Baby it's cold outside!!
- Birthday fun!
- Look at me!!
- 'Getting Down'
- Open House
- Here is Justin lookin' cozy in his 'sleepy sac'. I...
- No title
- Bedtime Pics!
- Happy Friday :)
- Here is phase one of our basement remodel. I took...
- Here is a picture of Justin doing what he does bes...
- Here is a few new pictures. As you can see 'the bo...
- Here is a picture of Justin getting ready for bed....
- New pics of Justin taken on 3/10/2009
- No title
- All Star!
- Justin and Audrey sitting in a tree...
- He looks unhappy with momma. It's been a rough day...
- Shih-Tzu has a breakdown...and I may be next!
- Angel Boy!
- A little of this and that...
- Feeling 'Blah'
- Plans For April!
- One Month Old!!!